April 4, 2013

Twitter Analysis: Rahul Gandhi's speech - a butt of all jokes?

For the wannabe PM, this might be bad news. I made use of the 'Technology' that Rahul Gandhi was talking about, and registered myself on (you can too - have a free trial, and experiment yourself) to get a general idea about the public opinion on trends.

My first hashtag for this analysis was the neutral keyword #RahulGandhi - this is what the graph looked like:

Well, don't be shocked, the "positive" rise you see - doesn't suggest that everyone was going gaga over his speech. Topsy's analytic's cannot detect ''sarcasm", and sarcastic tweets tend to get categorized into "positive" one's - examples below.

Notice @gappistanradio's response to @jhasanjay :D

For my second analysis, I switched from neutral #RahulGandhi hashtag to the trending #pappucii (created with the intent to pull a fast one on Rahul Gandhi). The "positive" (read: sarcastic) rise remained.

 Examples of some "sarcastic tweets".

So, the "positive" tweets were sarcastic, and the negative tweets were... well, negative? The question is - who really had something good to say? Perhap's this could be a reason why the Indian govt. wants to regulate social media.

And here are some of the top shared/created images...

And these were some of the top trending videos on Twitter (Youtube the video titles)
-Is Rahul Gandhi DUMB? Proof
-I lost it - Rahul Gandhi
-Shocking State of Rahul Gandhi's General Knowledge
-Dumb Rahul Gandhi says politics is in your shirt and your pants

And some more interesting "takes" followed...

 And Sagarika Ghose too joined in... perhaps, a high command order must be waiting for her...?

This is the analysis - a reasonably good indicator of public opinion- which the media won't take into account. They will instead indulge in assertions, and enforce their own interpretations on the people. And then we have journalists posing questions like Modi's ME vs Rahul's US. #CentreStage face-off: Who's vision will India buy?

What can you say about the guy who gives one speech, and the sensex goes down? 

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